Tenants Union of NSW
Information about your rights as a tenant - including in the context of domestic and family violence - provided by the Tenants Union of NSW in collaboration with the network of Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Services.
There are a range of potential complications when you experience domestic and family violence while renting in the private market. These organisations will have details on your rights and options, depending on which state or territory you live in.
Tenants Victoria
Tenants Victoria has a Family Violence Protection Tenancy Kit with information about rental protections for people experiencing family violence.
(03) 9416 2577 Limited hours - check website for details
Circle Green WA
Circle Green is a community legal centre in WA that can help with legal issues related to employment, tenancy, migration, and domestic and family violence.
(08) 6148 3636
RentRight SA
A free, independent service, helping people maintain their tenancies in private rental, community housing or public housing.
1800 060 462
Tenants Queensland
Provides free advice, services and a strong voice for tenants, including a toolkit for DFV service providers.
1300 744 263 (Mon to Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm)
Tenants Union of Tasmania
TUTAS has information about options for tenants experiencing family violence. Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.00pm
1300 652 641 or 1300 652 641
Legal Aid Tenancy Advice Service
The Legal Aid ACT Tenancy Advice Service assists and empowers residential tenants and occupants of the ACT to build long-term independence and housing security. Tenancy Advice Line open business hours Mon - Fri.
1300 402 512
Darwin Community Legal Service
DCLS has information rights on tenants' rights in the Northern Territory including in relation to domestic and family violence and also runs a Tenants' Advice Service you can call during business hours.
1800 812 953