UNSW Tax Clinic
UNSW Tax Clinic provides free, independent and confidential tax advice and support. It has outreach locations across Sydney and also offers phone appointments depending on your circumstances and location.
02 9385 8041
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) often makes calculations on tax liabilities and eligibility for certain offsets and rebates based on the combined income of couples. Centrelink also assesses certain payments and subsidies based on household earnings. As a result, tax matters can get complicated if you are with a partner who uses economic abuse. If you can't afford an accountant or tax agent, you can seek assistance from one of the free tax clinics listed below.
Melbourne Law School Tax Clinic
The Melbourne Law School Tax Clinic is a supportive, inclusive, student-run clinic providing free tax assistance to clients in need.
(03) 8344 6842
ANU Tax Clinic
The ANU Tax Clinic is a free student-run service that assists unrepresented taxpayers in understanding their tax affairs and meeting their tax obligations.
(02) 6125 4853
Western Sydney University Tax Clinic
The Western Sydney University Tax Clinic provides free advice and support for unrepresented, lower income or vulnerable taxpayers and small businesses (March to November).
(02) 9685 4649 (Tue and Wed)
Charles Darwin University Free Tax Clinic
The CDU Free Tax Clinic aims to assist unrepresented taxpayers in the NT in meeting and complying with their tax affairs.
(08) 8946 8868 (Mondays and Tuesdays)
James Cook University Tax Clinic
The JCU Tax Clinic is a student-run clinic where unrepresented individuals, established small businesses and not-for-profit organisations will receive free advice and assistance in meeting or complying with their tax affairs.
(07) 4781 5393
University of South Australia Tax Clinic
Provides free, confidential and independent tax advice, representation, education and advocacy to unrepresented taxpayers and small businesses in SA.
(08) 8302 0100
University of Tasmania Tax Clinic
The University of Tasmania Tax Clinic is a community service focused on providing our community with free Tax advice while allowing our students the opportunity to develop their skills. Tue to Thu.
(03) 6226 6118 or 0473 884 674
Edith Cowan University Tax Clinic
The ECU Tax Clinic aims to provide free assistance to unrepresented taxpayers in meeting or complying with their taxation affairs.
(08) 6304 6190
Griffith Tax Clinic
The Griffith Tax Clinic aims to provide free tax assistance to unrepresented taxpayers so they know their rights and obligations in complying with Australia’s complex tax system. Limited hours.
07 3382 1177
Curtin Tax Clinic
The Curtin University Tax Clinic provides free tax advice to unrepresented taxpayers by Curtin taxation students under the supervision of experienced tax practitioners.
(08) 9266 2575