Family Violence Law Help
Information about domestic and family violence law in Australia, including family law and state and territory domestic violence laws. The site was developed by National Legal Aid with funding from the Australian Government.
Australia’s legal system isn't easy to navigate. There are different laws in in each state and territory and nationally. If you’ve been experiencing economic abuse, chances are you do not have lots of money available to pay for a lawyer, unless friends or family are chipping in. Below, you'll find links to good sources of legal information and to a range of state and territory-specific legal services for women, people on low-incomes and First Nations people.
Financial Abuse Legal Service NSW
This service by Redfern Legal Centre delivers free, confidential legal information and advice to people across NSW who have money problems due to domestic abuse in an intimate partner relationship. Mon-Thu 9am to 1pm
0481 730 344
Women's Legal Service Victoria
WLS is not-for-profit organisation that provides free legal advice to women experiencing disadvantage to address legal issues arising from relationship breakdown or violence.
1800 133 302
Women's Legal Service Queensland
Free legal help for women in Queensland with domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault matters. Mon - Fri 9.00am to 3.00pm.
1800 957 957
Women's Legal Service Western Australia
Not for profit community legal centre providing free legal services to WA women with no, or very low, income and other challenges. Mon - Thu 9.30am to 4.00pm, Sat 9.30am to 1.00pm.
(08) 9272 8800 or 1800 625 122
Women's Legal Service Tasmania
Women's Legal Service is a community legal service operating a free, confidential statewide legal service for women. Mon - Fri 10.00am to 4.00pm.
1800 682 468
Women's Legal Service South Australia
Community based legal centre providing legal services, representation and referrals to women in South Australia. Legal Line operates limited hours - check website for details.
08 8231 8929 or 1800 816 349
Women's Legal Centre ACT
Provides legal and non-legal support to Canberra’s most vulnerable women. Mon - Fri 9.30am to midday.
(02) 6257 4377
Women's Legal Service NSW
WLS NSW is an independent non-profit organisation which provides legal advice and casework for women in NSW. Women's Legal Advice line has limited hours - check website for current availability.
(02) 8745 6988 or 1800 801 501 (rural)
Brigid Justice
Brigid Justice is a legal practice for women with incomes under $150,000 p/a who cannot access Legal Aid. It helps women who have suffered control or abuse resolve their legal issues, and achieve justice, compensation, and redress.
Ask Lois
Ask Lois is a free legal online information service (LOIS) for community workers in NSW, who are responding to women with legal needs.
02 8745 6900
Wallumatta Legal
Wallumatta Legal is a low fee, not-for-profit law firm that assists clients with family law issues exclusively. It primarily helps people who can't access Legal Aid, but can’t afford to pay a private law firm.
(02) 9850 6603
Mob Strong Debt Help
Mob Strong Debt Help is a free legal advice service about money matters for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples from anywhere in Australia. Provided by the Financial Rights Legal Centre.
1800 808 488
Immigration Advice and Rights Centre
The Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (IARC) takes referrals from social workers, refuges, health professionals, community legal centres and other community organisations in NSW. IARC has a priority line for domestic violence cases.
(02) 8234 0777
Victoria Legal Aid
VLA helps people with their legal problems and is focused on protecting the rights of Victorians and representing those who need it the most. Mon to Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm.
1300 792 387
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS)
VALS provides referrals, advice/information, duty work or case work assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria.
1800 064 865
Legal Aid NSW
Legal Aid NSW helps people with their legal problems. Their legal services include legal advice, help at court and family dispute resolution. Mon - Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm (excluding publc holidays).
1300 888 529
Legal Aid ACT
Helps people in the ACT with their legal problems, especially people who are socially or economically disadvantaged. Mon - Fri 8.30am to 4.30pm.
1300 654 314
Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW and ACT)
ALS does legal work in criminal law, children’s care and protection law and family law.
1800 765 767
Legal Services Commission of SA
Provides legal advice and education and provides representation for those who are most in need and unable to pay for legal representation. Mon - Fri 9.00am to 4.30pm.
1300 366 424
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
ALRM is an Aboriginal community organisation and law practice in SA. It has a criminal practice and a civil section which deals with child protection and family law cases among other things.
(08) 8113 3777 24hrs for emergencies
Legal Aid Qld
Legal help for financially disadvantaged Queenslanders about criminal, family and civil law matters. Mon - Fri 8.30am to 5.00pm.
1300 65 11 88
Legal Aid Western Australia
Aims to promote access to legal services and information for all West Australians across Civil, Criminal and Family Law. Mon - Fri 9.00am to 4.00pm.
1300 650 579
Aboriginal Legal Service of WA
Provides legal representation and support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Western Australia.
1800 019 900
Circle Green WA
Circle Green is a community legal centre in WA that can help with legal issues related to employment, tenancy, migration, and domestic and family violence.
(08) 6148 3636
Family Law (Property) Legal Clinic
Specifically provides advice on family law financial matters. This can include property settlement and spousal maintenance but NOT general financial or child support agreements. Part of Women's Legal Service WA.
(08) 9272 8800
North Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Service
NAAFLS is an independent legal service providing culturally sensitive assistance to Indigenous victim-survivors of family violence and sexual assault. Katherine 1800 184 868. Nhulunbuy 1800 041 998.
Darwin 1800 041 998
North Australian Aboriginal Justice Service (NAAJA)
NAAJA is contracted by the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department to provide Criminal and Civil Law services to Aboriginal people and their families in the Northern Territory.
1800 898 251 (Freecall)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service Qld
ATSILS is a non-profit, community-based organisation contracted by the Federal Attorney General's Department to provide criminal, civil and family law services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and their families in Queensland.
1800 012 255 (24 hrs, 7 days)
NT Legal Aid Commission
Legal Aid helps people with their legal problems by providing legal information, advice, help at court and family dispute resolution. Mon - Fri 8.00am to 4.30pm.
1800 019 343
Top End Women's Legal Service
Not for profit specialist women’s legal service providing free legal services for women in the Top End of the Northern Territory.
(08) 8982 3000 or 1800 234 441
Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania
Provides legal advice, representation, and family dispute resolution services with a focus on economically and socially disadvantaged Tasmanians. Mon - Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm.
1300 366 611
Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service
The Tasmanian Aboriginal Legal Service (TALS) specialises in criminal, civil and family law matters for Aboriginal people in Tasmania.
1800 595 162 (Freecall)
Everyday Justice
Everyday Justice is a national free legal service for people who do not qualify for Legal Aid and cannot afford a lawyer. Everyday Justice can help with financial abuse matters, and issues related to credit, debt, bankruptcy, tenancy and fines.
1800 161 196
Free, independent legal advice and support for survivors of child abuse. Includes help to navigate the National Redress Scheme. Hours Mon - Fri 9am to 5pm.
1800 605 762
Birch Foundation
Birch Foundation offers free family law consultations and other supports for women experiencing domestic and family violence in the Gold Coast region. Mon - Fri, 8.00am to 3.00pm (AEST)
0468 482 023